Cool cantilevered part of back balcony.

Roast Beef.

Parapet wall, and plywood down.

Scissor lift, to get wood to the tippy-top.

View into bedroom, from scissor-lift.

Double wide wall between master suite and 'apartment'- the studs will have insulation woven between them, so will be super sound-proof.

Sam built the continuation of the roof...

HVAC moved to second floor.

The last piece fits in perfectly. Aaaaaaah!

Elegantly cut on the angle, with notches...

Back of the house.

The cupola!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Part I- there will be three of those huge windows on either wall when it's done.)

Look at that view! And it's not even a clear day!

Preparing the roof. Ripping wood lengthwise so the roof'll slope...

The cupola is sheathed...

We removed the patio door from our bedroom and replaced it with plywood...

I feel guilty that I'm not going into oodles of detail about the drains. The drains are amazing, and Sam worked really hard on them. All of the roof slopes perfectly to bring rainwater where it should be...

Attaching straps.

Sam built the platform in the garage that'll lead into the house. It's very sturdy. And it'll look super cool with this rubber flooring.

Roof drain from underneath.
First layer of roof paper, getting wet in the rain...

Sam's Dad came over for breakfast, and to admire all the progress Sam has made...

Sam went and bought hundreds of dollars worth of electrical wire.

Then the electricians started installing all the electrical.

And the roofer finished up the roof...

Ok. whew. And that's the condensed version!