... Sam removed one of the doors, and then we slid it over (for once, 'we' really does refer to Sam and me!) ...
... and then we scooted the new cabinets in the gap.
Of course, I say that as if it were easy, but naturally it wasn't. In truth, it took us an entire day. The main reason it took so long is that the original cabinets weren't installed perfectly level and plumb, and so Sam had to figure out all kinds of ingenious ways to make the new cabinets match the off-angles of the old ones! It looks magnificent, though. We've got a big wood shelf on top of the bottom cabinet for now, but eventually it'll have a green granite countertop and black granite tiles on the backsplash, to match the rest of the kitchen.
Next, Sam tackled the other side of the kitchen. Our friend Jerrod was the one who had the ingenious idea of opening up the wall behind the range and putting in a pass-through. Of course I loved the idea because it makes the kitchen so much more open, which means I can "be a part of things" and cook! So Sam started by removing the wine rack and then the range hood...
... and then took a gentle test-whack at the wall.
Pretty soon he was really destroying stuff!
Here you can see the dust swirling in the light. Sam had to remove almost the entire wall up to the ceiling because he has to put in a new header across the top.
Once we got it opened up, we tested what it would look like by holding up the granite piece that had been in the hallway. Doesn't it look neat?
Over the next couple of days, Sam and Dale installed the new header, dealt with the electrical, got some cuts made in the black granite tile, and put up drywall. Sam also made a bunch of phone calls trying to find granite that will match what we already have. He did succeed in finding it- and at a not-too-insane price. Some of the prices we were quoted had been rather discouraging.
I have always loved this kitchen, but I can't express how much more I like it now! It is so open and airy.
Another thing that had been done... umm... well, not as well as Sam would have done it, was how the range hood vented out. Let's just say there was a lot of duct tape involved. Sam improved upon that considerably... (in this photo you're looking up into the ceiling.)
Today Sam was replacing the range hood, which will cut off the view a bit, but will suck up any smoke I make while cooking!
A propos of cooking-- I've been (continuing) to earn all those kitchen improvements! I have become a bread-baking goddess. My 8th loaf came out of the oven last night. But seriously, it's been good since the very beginning...
Loaf one:
Loaf six:
I encourage anyone and everyone to try it. You can see the recipe here, and read the original article and the follow-up article. I consider myself a cook, not a baker, but this bread turned out brilliantly.
Ok, back to the house.
We have installed the side windows in the bedroom.
So that is our "wall of glass". It'll be something to wake up to that view! We'll be able to take that black plastic down as soon as the deck is finished and waterproofed.
Sam also installed the frame for a pocket door in the master bathroom...
and installed the heating vent in the floor beneath the sink in the master bath. It is located there rather than elsewhere by special kimrequest. I didn't want to lose the floorspace in the corner... and now I look forward to brushing my teeth with warm air blowing on my toes!
All work and no play risks making Sam cranky, so we managed to sneak off for a desert trip this weekend. We had fun, although in some ways it was one of our worst desert trips ever. For starters, the trip also ended up being a fair amount of work for Sam- above and beyond the 'usual' packing and loading. We were merrily driving along, towing the new trailer, when suddenly the engine started sounding rather odd. We pulled over to check it (Sam always travels with the little diagnostic computer!), and it looked like a bad coil. As it happens, Sam had an extra coil (yes, really). So we continued driving (slowly) as far as El Centro, where we knew from past experience (!) there was a Toyota dealership, so that if it turned out to be something other than a coil, we'd have parts handy. Once we arrived there, Sam opened up the hood again.
A guy kinda looked at us funny, but it worked!
Usually, we camp by the canal. This time, Sam wanted to camp with some friends. I did say "honey, every time we've camped somewhere other than the canal, we turn to each other at some point and say, "we should've camped at the canal". We decided to camp with some friends. At around 11pm, Sam turned to me and said...
To my credit, I didn't say a thing.
We had fun anyway. We went on what we both agree was the worst ride ever on Sunday morning (all long straightaways, with lots of bumps, and not nearly enough dunes). It was fun anyway. Lots of people asked us about the Eezi-Awn tent.
And Sioux loved playing frisbee, even though she got her nose full of sand.
We packed up and headed home Sunday afternoon, and just as Sam had planned, we were able to back the trailer, with the quads still on it, right onto the lift and put the lift up. That was pretty cool.
Oh, and speaking of lifts, that is another thing that Sam has done: installed the second lift. I don't have pictures of that though- yet.
I also don't have pictures of what is probably one of Sam's finest achievements to date. By becoming friendly with the head inspector, and by writing two eloquent complaint letters, Sam has managed to get the jerk inspector banned from our site. Henceforth, Sam will be dealing only with the head honchos, who appear to be decent, reasonable people. He is so relieved and happy that he won't have to deal with that-other-guy any more. Not only was this guy difficult and nitpicky, he was also a real downer: after he'd left the job site everyone would be too cranky and depressed to get any more work done. But hurray! That wicked witch is dead. Well, to us, anyway.
Yet more has been accomplished that I don't have pictures of- plumbing, venting, stuff like that. But you are now pretty much caught up. More soon(ish!).