Meanwhile, "my" Sam hired a bunch of guys to come and put the insulation up in the whole house. They did it in a day, and now the inside looks like a cloud!
The stairwell... (I love those windows!)
the bedroom...
the cupola.
It's remarkable how having the insulation in changes how sound travels in the house. It is almost eerily quiet in there!
Over the past week, Sam has also hung a bunch of doors. He's really good at this. We both are very pleased with the aesthetics of the natural birch. I have to figure out how to varnish it so we don't lose the natural look. I especially like how these two doors downstairs kind of 'match'.
And this door leads from the master bathroom into the closet.
Of course, Sam needs a lot of energy to do everything that he does... so I try to feed him well. Recently, I've been on a home-made pasta kick. With a hand-cranked machine, it's actually remarkably easy! And thanks to my mother-in-law, I have one of those machines. The first time I did it, I documented my progress. I started with flour and eggs...
... rolled it through the pasta machine a zillion times...
... used the other side of the machine to cut it, and then laid it out on the table to dry! (I've since found out that you can skip this step.)
The result? A happy, fettucine-Bolognese-fed Sam!