Back at the beginning of July, Sam had to spend a fair amount of time digging in the dirt, getting the drains placed, in preparation for the pouring of the walkway on the side of the house. These drains will collect the rain water that gushes out from those pipes on the side of the house (which is from the roof!).
He also had to spend a lot of time doing his other least favorite thing: climbing around in the rafters, reattaching vents and reorganizing wires...
But he also got to do some more fun stuff. The day after reading a book on "how to build stairs"... he built stairs! These get you up to the bathroom from the garage....
... and these get you into the house!
Sioux took to them immediately.
After Sam had the drains all set, the concrete guys set forms for the remainder of the foundation work inside the house, as well as for walkway...
The walkway on the side of the house is cool... is has jags in it that mirror the angles of the house itself, and we'll be putting river rock in the empty spaces ...
After the foundation was poured, Sam got to (finally!) put (sub)floor back in the living room.
And he did!
He started by creating a support for the bit of roof that was to remain...
... and then started cutting boards with his magical Sawzall, and pulling 'em off...
As a final step, he and Nathan removed the beams that had supported the roof, leaving us with a spectacular (temporary!) skylight! Thank heavens we live in perennially sunny San Diego!
Next step was to haul into place (and I do mean haul) the big parallams that had been taking up 'my' space in the garage! Sam came up with an ingenious new way to do this: First, they got it placed on a couple of ladders...
(I'm making all of this seem easier than it was, because I have more than a month of information to cover. As an example, I have about 15 pictures of them getting it from the previous picture to the next one. It was hard work.)
Once that first one was in place, Sam nailed a bracket onto it (visible in the next picture), and they got ready to lift another one...
... and once that was done, Sam nailed into place all the mini-beams, which will be part of the ceiling of the living room once they're drywalled. We could really begin to get a sense of how spacious and open the living room is going to feel....
Then, he attacked a 20-foot wall for the staircase & cupola. Here it is almost all finished... but he needed some help in order to stand it up!
Luckily the next day Nathan was there, and he helped Sam unload a bunch more wood from Home Depot...
... and then Sam's brother OJ showed up just in the nick of time. I think he had been anticipating a more social visit, but Sam put him right to work!
That is a tall wall!!! We crossed the street to view and admire it from a distance...
(you can click on the picture to make it bigger)
Very astute readers may have noticed in that previous picture that we also have a driveway now. What that means is that we can do this!
As long as I'm already off-topic, I'll post this here, too: this is just a picture I took thinking of my Dad. It's the various layers of paper, chicken-wire, stucco and top-coat, and I thought it was pretty.
Anyway, back to framing: Sam built and put up another 'laundry room' wall (right in front of you, in this next picture), the left wall of the hallway, another parallam across them. By comparison with some of the others he's put in place, this one was light! Now you can get a sense of what it'll be like as you come up the stairs!
So of course I had to go stand in the other part of the cupola!!
Next, he built and somehow got into place (I was at school so I really have no idea how he did this) another couple of the 'stairwell' walls. Here you can see what the huge windows will look like from the inside!
He also got more cupola walls up...
... so now I can stand in the cupola and see aaaaalll the way down to the living room!
We're really beginning to see how it's going to look when it's all done. We think the architects did a great job... it seems to us to be contemporary without being cold, which is exactly what we wanted.
I really didn't do justice to all of the work that Sam has done, but I've given you a taste, at least.
Over the weekend he plans on tackling the remaining huge stairwell/cupola walls... I hope to get you pictures of that next week!
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