Here is Sam standing in the 'compressor room', viewed from the bathroom.

Later, we got the water softener in there (and, yay! out of the living room):

And later still they put a ceiling on the compressor room, so that the space above it can be used for storage. Until the ceiling of the garage goes up, it makes for a pleasant balcony...

... from which there is quite a view.

Dale did a bunch of plumbing to bring water to the compressor room...

... and Sam put up insulation in there (you can see that in that last picture) and then started putting up drywall.

Holes were cut out in the floor of the bathroom for where the toilet, sink, and shower drain will go- you can really begin to imagine what it'll be like!

In addition to all that, there were all the nails and wood mentioned in the title of the post. Dan built and put up the final piece of the 'long' wall of the garage... it was pretty solid!

And then they put up sheathing, so that that wall, which had looked like this:

Now looks like this:

The wall that goes in front of the current door to the garage from the kitchen was built:

So that part of the house went from looking like this:

to this (you can see the cutout for where the new door to the garage will be):

In addition, Sam and Dan put up a lot of big, happy, fluffy, white, Santa-Claus-y insulation:

And, having nothing to do with construction, Sam and I celebrated three years of marriage! We went to Piatti for dinner (thank you, mommy and daddy!), and I brought my camera to ask them to take a picture of us, but forgot. So Sam took one of us at the very end of the lovely evening...

... we look pretty happy, don't we?
More soon!
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