... being as meticulous as Sam, he was happy that things were perfectly plumb...

... and he was quite happy with how solid it was- he jumped up and down on it to test it, confusing the heck out of Sioux!

Sam got to use another cool toy- I mean tool- which is a kind of 'gun' that shoots nails through concrete. It works on mini .22 charges!

The end result looks like this (note that, as per usual, it's pefectly level!):

They put the top plates on the walls at the back...

And the two parallel walls of the 'bathroom' are level too!

Between the two of them, over the course of a couple of days, Sam and Dan built the little wall that will go between the bathroom and the compressor room...

... and they got the floor joists perfectly cut and fit...

... with some help from Sioux...

and towards the end of the weekend we had a little room, with a very solid floor.

Over the long weekend, a bunch of people stopped by to say hello and/or to help. Michelle worked out some of her frustration using the nail gun to attach plywood sheathing to the outside of the 'bathroom'...

... her work was impeccable, but everyone is glad that this is the only wall in the whole house that requires a nail every TWO inches...

... and Sam stepped in to help her because he was tall enough to reach the tippy-top.

Our friend Erick (he was Sam's best man at our wedding!), his wife Lori (she made our fantastic wedding cake!) and their three children stopped by too. Lori had to give the nail gun a try.

Their son Jack felt right at home on the construction site!

Our friends Jerrod and Ronelle (with Tanya and Vinay) stopped by on their way to Mexico. They wish they'd stayed with us longer- they ended up getting trapped by the hurricane down there! Instead, they just dropped off a bunch of ladders.

Since it was a long weekend, even I jumped in and worked. Sam taught me how to use his DeWalt saw...

... and by the following day I could use it without supervision!

In the meantime, Sam made the bathroom more like a room by putting plywood on the exterior...

... and I did useful things like take pictures of the cool effect of the setting-sunlight on the studs,

and on the clouds.

Today Sam (a.k.a "a mountain of a man"- it's a long story) was working all by himself! I can't wait to get home and see what's new. I'll let you know...
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